Come help Ute celebrate their annual town event- the Ute Fun Days
Friday, August 19th
Time TBA: Poker Glow Walk
Saturday, August 20th
9:00 AM: Autism Awareness Walk
10 AM-3PM: FREE Kids Activities @ the Park (inflatables, games & prizes, petting zoo, snow cones, character appearance, face painting)- Autism Awareness Food Stand
10 AM-3 PM: Car & Tractor Show (Tractors end at 2 PM)- Ada J’s Food Stand
10 AM-2PM: Pie and Ice Cream Social @ VFW
2:30 PM: Parade
4:00 PM: Corn Hole Tournament @ Ballpark (coolers allowed)
Sunday, August 21st
9:00 AM: Church service at the park by Jordan Valley Bible Church. Donuts, juice & coffee sponsored by Woodmen of Life.
1:00 PM: Yoga at the Park. Free for all ages. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a mat or blanket if you can. Extras will be available for use.
Time TBA: Pizza, Beer & Puzzle Party (must pre-register)