Make plans to attend the Ute Fun Days August 18th – 20th. Friday starts at 7pm with the opening of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church time capsule as they celebrate their 125th anniversary this year with an ice cream social to follow. A glow poker walk to raise funds for Autism Awareness also helps kick off the weekend at 8pm. Saturday is a fun filled day with an Autism Awareness walk, slow pitch tournament, free kids activities in the Ute park, All Wheels Car Show on Main Street, pie and ice cream social at the Ute VFW, Bingo, Parade, and closing with a street dance in the evening. Sunday there is a worship service at the park with Jordan Valley Bible Church at 9am and the 125th Celebration worship service at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at the church at 10am. At 11:30, St. Paul’s invites the whole community to a free Staley’s chicken dinner at the Ute Town and Country to cap off their 125th weekend celebration. Ute Fun Days wraps up with a corn hole tournament at 4pm on Main Street. We hope to see you there!