The Ute Public Water Department needs to obtain a picture of the water meter in your residence or business to meet the EPA’s new requirements for Lead and Copper. If you have multiple properties in Ute, we need a picture from each location’s meter connection. The picture needs to show the pipe that comes into the meter from the outside, as well as the pipe that connects the meter to your inside plumbing.
Example Photo:

- The water meter photo must show the following:
– The pipe coming into the building
– The pipe coming into the meter
– The meter
– The pipe leaving the meter
Please include the physical address of the photo when submitting your photo to us so we can record it properly. In addition, include a current phone number for our records that we can use to contact you in the event of a water main break.
Pictures must be submitted by December 31, 2022. If we have not received a photo with the necessary items pictured by that date, we will contact you to schedule a time we can come and photograph the connection as required by the EPA. If you are unable to take a picture of your meter due to location, ability, or access, we will contact you in January to schedule a visit.
Photos can be submitted via any of the following ways:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Message: City of Ute Facebook
Text: (712) 880-0362 or (712) 281-0082
In Person: Ute City Hall
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at (712) 885-2237.
Lonnie Carlson, Public Works Superintendent