With winter weather approaching, the City would like to remind residents of the following ordinances that are in effect:
3-3-33 PARKING DURING SNOW EMERGENCY. No person shall park, abandon, or leave unattended any vehicle on any public street, alley, or City-owned off-street parking area during any snow emergency proclaimed by the Mayor unless the snow has been removed or plowed from said street, alley or parking area and the snow has ceased to fall. A snow emergency parking ban shall continue from its proclamation through the duration of the snow or ice storm and the forty-eight hour period after cessation of the storm except as above provided upon streets which have been fully opened.
3-3-31 AUTHORITY TO IMPOUND VEHICLES. Members of the police department are authorized to remove, or cause to be removed, a vehicle from a street, public alley, or highway to the nearest garage or other place of safety, or to a garage designated or maintained by the police department, or otherwise maintained by the City, under the following circumstances:… 4. When any vehicle is left parked in violation of a ban on parking during a snow emergency as proclaimed by the Mayor.
6-8-3 CLEANING SNOW, ICE, AND ACCUMULATIONS. It shall be the duty of the owner to keep sidewalks abutting the owner’s property clear of the natural accumulations of snow or ice. If the owner fails to do so within twenty four (24) hours after deposit of accumulation, the Mayor may have the natural accumulations of snow or ice removed without notice to the property owner. The Mayor shall give the Council an itemized and verified statement of the removal costs and a legal description of the property at the next regular Council meeting. The costs shall be reviewed by the Council, and if found correct, shall be assessed against the property as taxes. The City Clerk shall be directed to certify the costs to the County Treasurer for collection as provided in Section 364.12 of the Code of Iowa.