All Venders welcome to sell your products, Garden produce, baked goods, Flea Market Items. No charge to set up and sell! Set up 4:45
Author: cityofute
iRead Summer Reading Program 2022
The Ute Public Library is kicking off their summer reading program on Thursday June 9, 2022: Read Beyond the Beaten Path from 5pm -7pm come and go. This fun-filled party will kick-off with registration and will include our calendar of events, reading goal sheets, permission slips, and more on our summer passport program being held […]
MCCPF Awards Grants to Two Ute Community Groups
The Monona County Community Partners Foundation (MCCPF) has awarded two Ute community groups grant awards for projects. The Ute Town and Country was awarded $10,000 for 2 new gas furnaces. The Ute Fire Department was awarded $1,750 for thermal imaging equipment.
Ute VFW Easter Egg Hunt
The Annual Ute VFW Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday April 16th at the Ute City Park. Registration starts at 12:30pm and the hunt starts at 1:00pm. In the event of rain, the hunt will be held at the Ute VFW building on Main Street.
Water Hydrant Flushing
The City of Ute will be flushing fire hydrants on Monday 4/11/22 and Tuesday 4/12/22 starting at 9am, weather permitting.
Ute Fire Fighters Pancake Breakfast
The Ute Fire Fighters Pancake Breakfast will be Sunday, March 13th, 2022, from 8am – 1pm at the Ute Fire & Ambulance Building. Carryout is available. Menu is pancakes, eggs, sausage, coffee, and juice. Free will offering.
Ute Clean Up Days 2022
Ute Clean Up Days will be Friday April 22nd starting at 5pm through Sunday April 24th ending at 5pm. Dumpsters will be available during this time for city resident use at the Ute Town and Country. There will be NO CURBSIDE PICKUP. No lumber, building materials or debris, tires, batteries, or cans containing paint may […]
Iowa Businesses Against Trafficking
The City of Ute is proud to be a part of this effort to make Iowa a trafficking-free state. We encourage all local businesses to join our efforts and many others throughout Iowa. From mom and pop stores on Main Street to large corporations, many businesses are stepping up to combat #HumanTrafficking through Iowa Businesses […]
Pet License Applications are Due
Reminder that Pet License applications are due Feb 1, 2022. Late fees will apply after Feb 1st. Applications were sent with the December water bills. Additional applications can be picked up at City Hall during regular business hours or downloaded here:
Staley’s Chicken Comes to Ute
Staley’s Chicken is coming to Ute Sunday January 30th, 2022. This will be a drive through event from 11am-12:30pm at the Ute Fire Station. It is $11 per meal. A mean includes: Staley’s fried chicken (2 pc), mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, coleslaw, and a cookie. The cookie is courtesy of the Gary Goslar family […]